Raspberry Pi Projects

Raspberry Pi has its application in various fields such as IoT, Machine Learning, Home Automation. Since it has such diverse applications in various fields, the Raspberry Pi projects have a great significance in the engineering & research.
Here is a collection of amazing & useful raspberry pi Projects for students, enthusiasts & researchers by nevonprojects.com.


All Raspberry Pi Projects Ideas

Nevon projects has the largest variety of raspberry pi projects ideas and topics for your from beginners to advanced in 2021 with free abstract synopsis download and PPT.


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Raspberry Pi is a low cost card sized computer. It was made in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the motive to providing basic computer and electronics knowledge to institutions at a lower cost.
Raspberry Pi is based on linux operating systems.Raspberry Pi was launched in market in 2011 with the intention of promoting basic computing skills in schools and developing countries. Since then It has become the Do it yourself (DIY) gadget maker’s go-to device. Tinkerers, enthusiasts and students have taken to the Internet with many projects utilizing the Raspberry Pi. The little computer used for controlling robots, become the building block for almost any gadget the mind could dream up.  As of early 2016, millions of devices had been sold and a second generation, the Raspberry Pi 2, has also been introduced.