Night Vision Security Patrolling Robot With Sound Sensing

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Here we propose a security patrolling robot that uses night vision camera for securing any premises. The robotic vehicle moves at particular intervals and is equipped with night vision camera and sound sensors. It uses a predefined line to follow its path while patrolling. It stops at particular points and moves to next points if sound is detected. The system uses IR based path following system for patrolling assigned area. It monitors each area to detect any intrusion using 360degree rotating HD camera. It has the ability to monitor sound in the premises. Any sound after company is closed and it starts moving towards the sound on its predefined path. It then scans the area using its camera to detect any human faces detected. It captures and starts transmitting the images of the situation immediately on sound or human face detection. Here we use IOT gecko for receiving transmitted images and displaying them to user with alert sounds. Thus we put forward a fully autonomous security robot that operates tirelessly and patrols large areas on its own to secure the facility.

nevonproject electronics kits
nevonproject electronics kits
  • Hardware Specifications
  • Raspberry Pi 3
  • Camera
  • Wifi Module
  • PIR Sensor
  • Servo Motor
  • LCD Display
  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Transistors
  • Cables and Connectors
  • Diodes
  • PCB and Breadboards
  • LED
  • Push Buttons
  • Switch
  • IC
  • IC Sockets
  • Software Specifications
  • Python 3 compiler
  • Programming Language: Python

Block Diagram

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