Heart Attack Detection By Heart Beat Sensing

Heart Attack Detection by Heart Rate Monitoring Project



This system Heart Attack Detection by Heart Rate Monitoring Project helps to inform if a person is about to have a heart attack. This system does this by detecting the heart beat level and informs as soon as the heart beat level does not fall within the permissible limit. Thus this system can be used to save life of many people as this system alerts the doctor about the patient’s heart beat level. For this the system uses two circuits. One is the transmitting circuit which is with the patient and the other is the receiver circuit which is being supervised by the doctor or nurse. The system makes use of heart beat sensor to find out the current heart beat level and display it on the LCD screen. The transmitting circuit includes AVR family microcontroller interfaced to LCD screen and this transmitting circuit is powered by 12V transformer. Similarly, the receiving circuit includes AVR family microcontroller and RF receiver and also has a 12V transformer. The receiver circuit also includes LED light and a buzzer which are used to alert the person supervising the heartbeat rate of the patient and turns on the LED light and buzzer as soon as the heartbeat level of the patient does not fall within the normal heart beat level set.

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Hardware Specifications

Software Specifications

  • Arduino Compiler
  • MC Programming Language: Embedded C
Block Diagram

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