Engineering/Diploma/Bsc-IT/Msc-IT Projects

Last year engineering projects created by referring IEEE papers.

Android Expiry Reminder App Using OCR

Download Project Document/Synopsis The project is based on android application which can be installed in android mobile. While using this application for the first time, user need to register by filling up basic registration details. After successful registration, user can now log in using valid username and password. Once user logs into the system, he/she …

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Android Campus Recruitment System

Download Project Document/Synopsis Android Campus Management system project which relates to HRMS department will maintain entire recruitment service and provide services for job vacancies. This project is a combination of two languages which are Java used to develop the android application and Asp .Net used for web portal for admin. This project allows companies to …

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Raspberry Pi Based Reader For Blind

Download Project Document/Synopsis This project has been built around Raspberry Pi processor board. It is controlling the peripherals like Camera, speaker and LCD which act as an interface between the system and the user. Optical Character Recognition or OCR is implemented in this project to recognize characters which are then read out by the system …

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University Campus Online Automation Using Cloud Computing

Download Project Document/Synopsis University campus online automation system, is a recruitment system that is beneficial for a college student, college placement faculty and Companies visiting the campus. This software has three login portal, for students, placement faculty and companies visiting the campus. Students will enter all their personal as well as professional while registering themselves …

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Secure Text Transfer Using Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Based on Cloud

Download Project Document/Synopsis Encryption is the technique of hiding private or sensitive information within something that appears to be nothing be a usual. If a person views that cipher text, he or she will have no idea that there is any secret information. What encryption essentially does is exploit human perception, human senses are not …

Secure Text Transfer Using Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Based on Cloud Read More »