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Nowadays there are online car reservations which gives much benefits. Assured taxi service at the door step to be summoned on the mobile app gives the passengers the much-needed comfort coupled with reasonable fares. In this android application person can book car on rent with this application. This cab rental application basically uses your GPS location to find the cab nearest to your location. The cab drivers would also have the same app installed which will track their position and send this location to the users. This would work out much cheaper. This application has three entity namely, Admin, User and Driver. Admin can manage drivers by adding new drivers, editing existing and deleting driver. Admin has authority to manage car types by adding new and editing existing. Admin can see the users. Users can login onto the application using credentials. They can hire cab by entering destination, selecting cab type, finding the nearby cab. Users can view the cab details and driver’s details. Users can also cancel the ride. After reaching destination users can rate the cab. Users can check the history of the previous trips. Driver can login and can set the working status. Driver can see the ongoing trip details like location. They can also check their overall ratings. Driver can check the till date history of the trip details, user details, Locations and also the cancelled trips. Drivers will get the new trip’s notification.

- It reduces travel expense.
- It saves time
- It also reduces use of private transport.
- It is user-friendly
- This application requires an active internet connection.
- User needs to put correct data or else it behaves abnormally.