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RFID Based Attendance System is a system developed for daily employee attendance in companies. Employees proper attendance management is till date a critical issue in many companies. Attendance plays a vital role in managing salaries of employees and also in tracking the regularity & sincerity of employees towards their occupation. The process of tracking attendance manually using pen and paper has become an outdated approach. It not only involves fake entries by employees but even sometimes lead to improper evaluation of attendance. There always exist a threat of records/register getting misplaced or may get damage due to unfavourable circumstances. To overcome all these drawbacks and many more than that we intend to develop a system which not only removes the tedious task of tracking attendance manually but also helps in maintaining a system which will help an organization in proper & appropriate evaluation of salary, regularity & even punctuality of an employee based on attendance. The purpose of developing attendance management system is to computerized the tradition way of taking attendance. The attendance of the employee will be taken by RFID tags and will automatically get stored in the database. According to number of working days attended by the employee salary will be generated. Provision has also been made to alert employees via SMS, mails etc. regarding their attendance & salary. The system records details such as arrival and departure of employees besides maintaining information regarding their personal and official profiles. Official employee information such as designation, department, shift, location, leaves status, compensation, etc. can be linked to any payroll software to automate the complete process.

- Secure registration of employees in the office
- Search employees based on different criteria
- Send automatic mails to employees regarding salaries, attendance, holidays etc.
- Easy access to the data
- The new system is more user-friendly, reliable and flexible.
- Data alteration is easy.
- Reduced manual work.
- Timely Report generation.
- Requires an active internet connection.
- System will provide inaccurate results if data not entered properly.