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Currently Exam cell activity mostly includes a lot of manual calculations and is mostly paper based. The project aims to bring in a centralized system that will ensure the activities in the context of an examination that can be effectively managed. This system allows students to enroll themselves into the system by registering their names or by sharing details to admin. This is done by providing their personal and all the necessary details like Name, email, examination, semester, etc. The provided details are then entered by admin into the system to create their hall tickets and also creates login id and password for them. After creating the hall ticket, the system mails the link of soft copy to every student who have registered. Students containing link in the mail can view and print the hall ticket and also can login into the system using login id and password to modify or update their details like Phone number, email-id, etc. Admin is also responsible for generation of mark sheets for every registered student. There will be total three to six semesters where each semester contains maximum seven subjects. Admin can enter the marks of every student into their respective mark sheet using the system’s GUI or via Database entry. Every student mark sheet will be created and printed separately. Thus on a whole it serves as a complete automated software which handles the every tedious and complex process handled during the examination times by the exam cell of a college.

- This system allows only the registered students to login into the system which prevents unauthorized access.
- The students can view their hall ticket by just clicking on link provided by admin via e-mail.
- The students can even update their details as and when required.
- Faster exam registration.
- Easy result generation.
- Improved accuracy of student data.
- Better convenience for students.
- Accuracy Issues: A computerized system alone does not ensure accuracy, and the warehouse data is only as good as the data entry that created it.
- As the system is online, the student may fail to receive email or any important notification.