Engineering/Diploma/Bsc-IT/Msc-IT Projects

Last year engineering projects created by referring IEEE papers.

Intelligent rule-based phishing websites classification Based on URL Features

Download Project Document/Synopsis There are number of users who purchase products online and make payment through e- banking. There are e- banking websites who ask user to provide sensitive data such as username, password or credit card details etc. often for malicious reasons. This type of e-banking websites is known as phishing website. In order …

Intelligent rule-based phishing websites classification Based on URL Features Read More »

Detecting Data Leaks via Sql Injection Prevention on an E-Commerce

Download Project Document/Synopsis The objective of this project is to prevent SQL injection while firing queries to database and to make the database secured. This system is online so no need of implementation. It can be accessed through internet from anywhere. The system uses SQL Injection mechanism prevention to keep the data safe and secure …

Detecting Data Leaks via Sql Injection Prevention on an E-Commerce Read More »

Customized AES using Pad and Chaff Technique And Diffie Hellman Key Exchange

Download Project Document/Synopsis Computer Systems offer great flexibility and improved productivity for users. However, they can also create added risk and potential targets for data loss. Considering the risk factors with data stored in database, developing a windows application with data encryption mechanism will avoid misuse of user’s data. Also to avoid data replication into …

Customized AES using Pad and Chaff Technique And Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Read More »

Cloud Based Student Information Chatbot Project

Download Project Document/Synopsis Cloud based student information Chatbot system is an artificial algorithm that analyzes the student’s queries and messages. This system has a built artificial intelligence to answer the query of the student. The answers are appropriate to the user’s queries, if the user find his answer to be invalid, he may select the …

Cloud Based Student Information Chatbot Project Read More »

Cloud Based Improved File Handling and Duplication Removal Using MD5

Download Project Document/Synopsis Data duplication technology usually identifies redundant data quickly and correctly by using file checksum technique. A checksum can determine whether there is redundant data. However, there are the presences of false positives. In order to avoid false positives, we need to compare a new chunk with chunks of data that have been …

Cloud Based Improved File Handling and Duplication Removal Using MD5 Read More »