Hybrid Payment Security Model For E Commerce

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As an electronic commerce exponentially grows, the number of transactions and participants who use e-commerce applications has been rapidly increased. Since all the interactions among participants occur in an open network, there is a high risk for sensitive information to be leaked to unauthorized users. Since such insecurity is mainly created by the anonymous nature of interactions in e-commerce, sensitive transactions should be secured. For this the system combines the various encryption techniques like AES, MD5 and DES. Here the data(plain text) is being encrypted using AES, DES whereas MD5 is applied to the same plaintext to generate key.

  • Your sensitive details like your bank details are now secured using AES, DES.
  • The key used is also secured as MD5 is applied to generate the key from message digest.
  • Now the bank transactions can be done securely without worrying about attacker getting access to the database as the data will be in encrypted form.

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