Housing Society Management Software

Housing Society software

With the increase in growth of real estate development, it becomes necessary for the builders or manager of the societies to maintain the resident’s details and their contribution towards the society. It would be impossible to carry out all the process of maintaining society data on paper. Hence there emerges a need of automating these operations on a data processor. Therefore, we have engendered suitable software that automates this process of managing data. Usually, the data that all housing society requires are every resident’s detail, their maintenance reports and bill calculation, and their additional charges. Our software incorporates all these functions along with some additional features. Housing Society System is a software developed by our experts that serves the best way of handling society data by automating all the accounting activities.
This software will be under control of secretary of the society. He can maintain records of all the members’ information like personal details, automobile and parking details, maintenance charges, membership offers and many more. The purpose of the software is to generate bill reports for each resident according to the service usage by family members.

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Features of the software-
• With only one single click you can email both the bill and receipt to all the members through email.
• The input data in the system gets exported to Excel
• There is a feature by which you can view multiple societies with Snap information under Society Selection Window.
• Back up of all the society data can be taken.
• It can have many admin.
• In the process of cheque return, there will be automated posting of predefined cheque return charges while generating bills.
• With just one click on a button, you can automate the posting of cheque return entry.
• During bill generation you can assign any amount per square feet to multiple members.
• In the section of payment you can save Paid to, Paid towards, Paid suffix just by clicking instead of typing.
• There are three payment options available- Bank vouchers, Cash vouchers and general payments. You can also renumber vouchers.
• There is cheque number duplication checker by which you can find out that the cheque coming from is duplicate or not.
• There s facility where the cheque can be remitted and reported.
• It provides flexible billing sessions along with user defined bill date, due date, billing periods, interest calculation parameters.
• There are delete and alter options for current or any generated bills.
��� There will be print preview option for every bill or data generation that is available in different formats.
• The reports generated contain all the information of member, their bill no., flat no., bill amount etc.
This software also generates reports and receipts for particular wings, flats, shops etc. It also gives a brief summary of total income and expenditure and analyzes current income and expenditure with last year. There are many more features in this software that would serve like a helping hand to the admin