Advanced Antenna Monitoring System

System consists of 16×2 LCD display, Humidity sensor, water sensor and gyroscope with GSM modem, cable fault detection, PIC & Atmega 328 microcontroller

  • On system start, system displays 2 modes: 1. Setting Mode 2. Monitoring Mode
  • In setting mode user can set Humidity alert level and set the technician phone number
  • Then user may exit and enter monitoring mode on LCD Display
  • In monitoring mode system monitors water, humidity and gyroscope
  • If Humidity rises above certail level system starts dc fan and sends “Humidity alert” message to technician number through Gsm modem
  • If water sensor detects water pump motor stars and sends “Water alert” message to technician number through Gsm modem
  • If Gyro sensor value changes it moves the antenna motor and brings it back in default direction and sends “Antenna Direction alert” message to technician no through Gsm modem
  • System also has cable fault detector system as in this project

Sensors/Motors on PIC Microcontroller:
PIC: LCD, Water sensor, Dc fan, Pump motor, cable fault system
Atmega: Humidity, Gyro, Antenna motor, Gsm modem

You may also send us the customized messages that you need to send in sms.

Note: We do not provide simulation model.

Project Kit Includes:

  • Assembled & Tested Project
  • The Guidance Documents soft copy
  • Documentation Data
  • Electronics development videos
  • PowerPoint Presentation

Kit Cost: $ 655 (655 USD)
Discount Cost: $ 635 (635 USD)
Kit Type: Ready To Go Project Kit
Development & Delivery Time: 65 Days